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Platelet-rich plasma

1000 zł

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), also known as vampire facelift or vampire facial, is a completely safe procedure that delivers remarkable results.

You don't need much - your own body contains the best ingredients for improving your appearance and overall health! With PRP, which is a preparation derived from your own blood and contains a high concentration of platelets, you can achieve truly remarkable results.

While the popular name "vampire facelift" may evoke mixed feelings, PRP is a clinically tested, completely safe, and highly effective method. The procedure is based on the phenomenon of Autologous Cellular Regeneration (ACR), which stimulates the skin to regenerate using its own stem cells.

By delivering PRP, you stimulate the skin to produce collagen and elastin. You also stimulate the body to create new blood vessels and stem cells. In this way, you can promote regeneration, accelerate wound healing, achieve a youthful appearance, and even treat hair loss.

Harness the potential of platelet-rich plasma. book a consultation now! And choose a completely safe method to enhance your appearance!



Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is administered to patients who want to improve the condition of their skin in a completely safe and natural way. PRP, as a thoroughly researched and biocompatible method, meets these requirements and provides long-lasting effects. 

The application of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can lead to results such as: 

  • Smoothing of grooves and wrinkles;
  • Elimination of under-eye shadows and crow's feet;
  • Increased skin elasticity;
  • Revitalization of the décolletage, neck, and hands;
  • Improvement of the skin appearance on the chin and forehead;
  • Reduction of acne scars;
  • Hair loss reduction. 

The following individuals should not undergo vampire facelift (PRP) treatment:

  • Individuals taking anticoagulant medications
  • Patients with uncontrolled diabetes
  • people suffering from cancer;
  • patients with herpes or other inflammatory skin conditions;
  • as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The procedure involves taking a small blood sample and isolating the leukocytes and platelets from the red blood cells. This allows you to obtain a high concentration of PRP, which can then be applied to the selected place. To achieve the intended effect (lasting about 6 months), the application of platelet plasma should be repeated several times, 2-4 weeks apart. 

Thanks to Autologous Cell Renewal, the skin becomes elastic, smoothed and unified in color. There is an increased production of collagen and stem cells. New blood vessels are also formed, the level of blood circulation increases, and the skin gains radiance and a beautiful appearance.