
Kobido massage

Price from 500 zł

A Japanese alternative to aesthetic medicine treatments

Did you know that you can shape and rejuvenate your face through massage alone? Wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark circles under the eyes are not only the result of aging but often also due to excessive muscle tension. By promoting muscle relaxation and relieving tension, you can achieve a natural lifting effect. So if you're afraid of needles or for other reasons prefer not to undergo aesthetic medical treatments, Kobido massage is perfect for you.



The fast and intense movements performed during the massage will stimulate specific areas of your face, release tension, and help you relax. By promoting circulation, your facial complexion will improve, and increased lymph flow will reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Kobido massage will also help reduce stress, alleviate headaches, and even improve digestion.

Let your skin regain its youthful appearance. book a consultation now! and enjoy this amazing massage.